图论系列学术报告:Some Spectral Turan-Typer Results for Forestss

发布人:日期:2024年04月24日 10:47浏览数:

报告题目:Some Spectral Turan-Typer Results for Forests

报 告 人:张晓东教授(上海交通大学)

报告时间:2024425日  15:30-16:30



In 1941, Turan proved the famous Turan theorem that if G is a graph which does not contain Kr+1 as its subgraph, then the edge number of G is no more than the Turan graph T_n,r, which started the extremal theory of graphs. In this talk, we will introduce some spectral Turan-Type results which are associated with the adjacency matrix, signless Laplacian matrix of graphs containing no linear forests or star forests. This talk is based on the work with Ming-Zhu Chen, A-Ming Liu.



上一条:图论系列学术报告:Spectral radius and the existence of factors in graphs

下一条:图论系列学术报告:Extremal problems for disjoint graphs

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