
发布人:日期:2020年09月19日 18:00浏览数:




201205-201305月,澳大利亚Flinders University,访问学者






  1. LiuNa, Thomas N. Buckley,He Xinguang* et. al., Improvement of a simplifiedprocess-based model for estimating transpiration under water-limitedconditions,Hydrological Processes, 2019, doi:10.1002/hyp.13430.

  2. HeXinguang, Li Qiuqi and Jiang Lijian, A reduced generalized multiscale basismethod for parametrized groundwater flow problems in heterogeneous porousmedia,Water Resources Research, 2019, 55: 2390-2406.

  3. Chen Ajiao,He Xinguang*, Guan Huade and Zhang Xinping, Variability ofseasonal precipitation extremes over China and their associations withlarge-scale ocean-atmosphere oscillations,International Journal of Climatology,2019, 39(2): 613-628.  

  4. Chen Ajiao,He Xinguang*, Guan Huade and Cai Yi, Trends and periodicityof daily temperature and precipitation extremes during 1960-2013 in HunanProvince, central south China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2018, 132: 71-88.

  5. HeXinguang, Jiang Lijian and Xia Weisheng, A stochastic model reductionmethod for nonlinear unconfined flow with multiple random input fields,Stoch.Environ. Res. Risk. Assess., 2017, 31: 835-851.

  6. TaoLizhi,He Xinguang* and Wang Rui, A hybrid LSSVM model with empiricalmode decomposition and differential evolution for forecasting monthlyprecipitation,Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2017, 18: 159-176.

  7. HeXinguang, Guan Huade, and Qin Jianxin, A hybrid wavelet neural networkmodel with mutual information and particle swarm optimization for forecastingmonthly rainfall,Journal of Hydrology,2015, 527: 88-100.

  8. HeXinguang,Guan Huade, Zhang Xinping and Craig T. Simmons, A wavelet-basedmultiple linear regression model for forecasting monthly rainfall,InternationalJournal of Climatology, 2014, 34: 1898-1912.

  9. HeXinguang and Guan Huade, Multiresolution analysis of precipitationteleconnections with large-scale climate signals: A case study in SouthAustralia,Water Resources Research, 2013, 49,6995-7008.

  10. HeXinguang, Jiang Lijian and Moulton J. David, A stochastic dimensionreduction multiscale finite element method for groundwater flow problems inheterogeneous random porous media,Journalof Hydrology, 2013, 478: 77-88.

  11. HeXinguangand Jiang Lijian, An upscaling method using coefficient splittingand its applications to elliptic PDEs,Computers and Mathematics withApplications, 2013, 65:712-730.

  12. HeXinguang, and Li Ren, An adaptive multiscale finite element method forunsaturated flow problems in heterogeneous porous media,Journal ofHydrology, 2009, 374: 56-70.

  13. HeXinguang, and Li Ren, A modified multiscale finite element method forwell-driven flow problems in heterogeneous porous media,Journal ofHydrology, 2006, 329: 674-684.

  14. He Xinguang, and Li Ren, A multiscale finite element linearization schemefor the unsaturated flow problems in heterogeneous porous media,WaterResources Research,2006,42: W08417, doi: 10.1029 /2006 WR004905.

  15. HeXinguang, and Li Ren, Finite volume multiscale finite element method forsolving the groundwater flow problem in heterogeneous porous media,WaterResources Research, 2005, 41: W10417, doi: 10.1029 /2004 WR003934.


  1. 湖南省教育厅创新平台开放基金:洞庭湖流域极端天气的多尺度时空特征及其对人类活动的响应研究(NO:18K018)2019.01-2021.12。

  2. 国家自然科学基金:随机非均质多孔介质中水流与溶质运移问题的随机降维多尺度数值方法研究(NO:41472238)2015.01-2018.12。

  3. 湖南省教育厅重点基金:洞庭湖流域月降水量的时空多尺度变化分析及其预测研究(NO:14A097)2014.9-2017.8。

  4. 国家自然科学基金:随机非均质多孔介质中水流与溶质运移的多尺度随机模拟及其不确定性分析(NO:41272271)2013.1-2013.12。

  5. 湖南省自然科学基金:区域地下水流及溶质运移的多尺度数值模拟与可视化研究(NO:11JJ3057)2011.1-2013.12。

  6. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金:区域尺度地下水流及溶质运移的多尺度数值模拟与可视化研究(NO:10B065)。2011.1-2013.12。

  7. 教育部博士点基金:区域地下水流可视化多尺度数值模拟系统的设计与开发(NO:20094306120007)2010.1-2012.12。






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