Statistical identification of Markov chain

发布人:日期:2017年12月07日 10:54浏览数:

报告题目:Statistical identification of Markov chain

报 告 人:向绪言教授

报告时间:2017年12月8日 16:00



The theoretical study of continuous time homogeneous Markov chains is usually based a natural assumption on a known transition rate matrix (TRM). However TRM of a Markov chain in realistic systems might be unknown and even need be identified by partially observable data. Thus an issue how to identify the TRM of the underlying Mrakov chain by partially observable information is derived from the great significance in applications. That is what we call the statistical identification of Markov chain. Markov chain inversion approach has been derived for most of reversible Markov chains by partial observation at few states. Such approach has obvious advantages over others in that it can identify the most of reversible Markov chain without the requirement of bivariate distributions of subsequent sojourn time and hitting time, and in that the computation is accurate based on the accurate sojourn time PDFs and the prior information about the underlying topological structure of Markov chain. Hence the work opens up the possibility of carrying out the statistical identification for all reversible Markov chains.



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