概率统计方向系列学术报告:Wasserstein convergence rates in the invariance principle for deterministic dynamical systems

发布人:日期:2023年06月02日 17:09浏览数:

报告题目:Wasserstein convergence rates in the invariance principle for deterministic dynamical systems

报 告 人:柳振鑫教授(大连理工大学)

报告时间:202363日  14:30-15:30



In this talk, we will discuss the convergence rate with respect to Wasserstein distance in the invariance principle for deterministic nonuniformly hyperbolic systems, where both discrete time systems and flows are included. As a nontrivial application to homogenization problem, we investigate the W^2-convergence rate of a fast-slow discrete deterministic system to a stochastic differential equation. This is a joint work.



上一条:Large deviations for regime-switching diffusions with infinite ​delay

下一条:分析系列学术报告:Endpoint behaviors on commutators of singular integrals

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