科学计算系列学术报告:Stochastic inverse problems for the biharmonic wave equation

发布人:日期:2024年03月12日 12:54浏览数:

报告题目:Stochastic inverse problems for the biharmonic wave equation

报 告 人:李培军研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)

报告时间:2024316日  16:00-17:00



Stochastic inverse problems refer to inverse problems that involve uncertainties. Compared to deterministic counterparts, stochastic inverse problems are substantially more challenging due to the additional difficulties of randomness and uncertainties. In this talk, our recent progress will be discussed on some stochastic inverse problems for the biharmonic wave equation, which plays an important role in thin plate elasticity. I will present new models for the inverse random source and potential problems. Given the random source or potential, the direct problem is to determine the weve field; the inverse problem is to recover the unknown source or potential that generates the prescribed wave field. The well-posedness and regularity of the solutions will be addressed for the direct preblems. For the inverse problems, I will show that the microcorrelation strength of the random source or potential can be uniquely determined by the high frequency limit of the wave field at a single realization. I will also highlight ongoing projects on some direct and inverse scattering problems for biharmonic vaves.



上一条:科学计算系列学术报告:Asymptotic analysis for the wave equation with applications

下一条:科学计算系列学术报告:A perfectly matched layer method for wave scattering problem by a step-like surface

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