微分方程与动力系统系列学术报告:From kinetic flocking model of Cucker-Smale type to self-organized hydrodynamic model

发布人:日期:2024年05月06日 15:43浏览数:

报告题目:From kinetic flocking model of Cucker-Smale type to self-organized hydrodynamic model

报 告 人:张腾飞副教授(中国地质大学(武汉))

报告时间:2024510日  9:00



In this talk, I will discuss our recent results on the hydrodynamic limit problem for a kinetic flocking model of Cucker-Smale type. Using the Cucker-Smale model as an example, we develop systematically a GCI-based expansion method, and micro-macro decomposition on the dual space, to justify the limits to the macroscopic system, a non-Euler type hyperbolic system. We believe our method has widely application in the collective motions and active particle systems. This is a joint work with Prof. Ning JIANG and Prof. Yi-Long LUO.




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