运筹与优化系列学术报告:Weighted Directed Graph and Formation Control

发布人:日期:2024年09月20日 15:28浏览数:

报告题目:Weighted Directed Graph and Formation Control

报 告 人:祁力群教授(杭州电子科技大学)

报告时间:2024923日  10:00-11:30



We first study the multi-agent formation control problem in a directed graph. The relative configurations are expressed by unit dual quaternions (UDQs). We call such a weighted directed graph a unit dual quaternion weighted directed graph (UDQWDG). We show that a desired relative configuration scheme is reasonable in a UDQWDG if and only if for any cycle in this directed graph is egual to 1. We then show that a desired relative configuration scheme in a directed connected graph is reasonable if and only if the dual quaternion Laplacian is similar to the unweighted Laplacisn of the directed graph. Then for a reasonable desired relative configuration scheme, we build the relationship between the desired formation and the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue.




下一条:概率统计系列学术报告:Nearest-Neighbor Sampling Based Conditional Independence Testing

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