Theory and Applications of Moving Curves and Moving Surfaces in Geometric Modeling

发布人:日期:2024年12月12日 17:33浏览数:

报告题目:Theory and Applications of Moving Curves and Moving Surfaces in Geometric Modeling

报 告 人:贾晓红研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)

报告时间:20241213日  15:30-16:30



Moving curves and moving surfaces serve as a bridge between the parametric forms and implicit forms of rational curves and surfaces. Their algebraic counterparts are special syzygies of the parametric equations of rational curves or surfaces. Over the past thirty years, the technique of moving curves and moving surfaces have been proven to be significant in solving many important problems in geometric modeling, such as fast implicitization, intersection computation, singularity computation, reparametrization as well as providing easy inversion formulas for points. We review our research on μ-bases theory and applications for rational curves and surfaces over the past ten years, and raise unsolved problems for future research.



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